Saturday, March 10, 2012

Mitt Romney Renounce Your Racist Religion !

The Mormon Church says that the Book of Mormon is “the most correct book, even more correct than the Bible.” The Book of Mormon in 2nd Nephi, Chapters 5:21-23 accuses God of cursing African people and causing them to have black skin in order for them not to be attractive to white people. These verses also accuse God of causing the black African people to be disgusting and detestable to white people. Furthermore, these verses accuse God of being against inter-racial marriages between blacks and whites.

Black Clergy And Other Concerned Christians Ask Governor Mitt Romney To Renounce His Racist Religion:

Romney the weather vane?

In an interview with Cal Thomas his friend Bob said: He ... still won't convince social conservatives that he's committed to their values agenda. It goes beyond right-to-life to include Romney's rhetoric about gay rights when he ran for governor. I could go on, but all the creative campaign events in the world can't change the GOP base's perception that Romney is a weather vane.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

180 movie

Pass this on.... 180 movie.

Ray Comfort has put out an excellent video that is changing people's minds about abortion.
There are some photos of the holocaust that may be disturbing to young children. God has enabled Ray Comfort to make this powerful video and to demonstrate that the German holocaust is dwarfed by the American abortion holocaust.