Monday, June 22, 2020

Fecund meaning Fruitful

Break Point last week discussing the sadly destructive Supreme Court decision referenced this article. This is about the way forward. Not primarily political action; but get married. Have babies. Here's a snippet of Kevin Deyoung's article:

The future belongs to the fecund. It’s time for happy warriors who seek to “renew the city” and “win the culture war” by investing in their local church, focusing on the family, and bringing the kingdom to bear on the world, one baby at a time.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Who was the Slave and who was the Free?

From Chrysostom, an early Greek Pastor:

"And consider both these points. Joseph was a slave but not a slave to men: wherefore even in slavery he was freer than all that are free. For instance, he yielded not to his mistress; yielded not to the purposes which she who possessed him desired. Again she was free; yet none ever so like a slave, courting and beseeching her own servant. But she prevailed not on him, who was free, to do what he would not. This then was not slavery; but it was liberty of the most exalted kind. For what impediment to virtue had he from his slavery? Let men hear, both slaves and free. Which was the slave? He that was entreated or she that did entreat? She that besought or he that despised her supplication?
"In fact, there are limits set to slaves by God Himself; and up to what point one ought to keep them, has also been determined, and to transgress them is wrong. Namely, when your master commands nothing which is unpleasing to God, it is right to follow and to obey; but no farther. For thus the slave becomes free. But if you go further, even though you are free you are become a slave. At least he intimates this, saying, 'Be not ye the servants of men'.”

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Agile Decision Making

1. Observe

 What is going on around us? What’s the situation?


 What do we need to orient to, or adapt to, to figure out what’s going on and how we need to change in light of that current reality?

3. Decide

 We decide what to do. What have we identified? What opportunity or need is there for change? What can we decide on that will actually move us forward?

4 Act

 How can you see this through to make sure it’s completed? What will you do to observe then the results?

The full article