Wednesday, September 23, 2020

King Alfred on Translation

Here King Alfred wrote on translating Scripture and other books into English.

"I remembered how the law was first known in Hebrew, and again, when the Greeks had learnt it, they translated the whole of it into their own language, and all other books besides. And again the Romans..."

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Where is the Aurora Borealis visible today

Monday, September 14, 2020

Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned by SamuelStennett(1727-1795)

Ma-jes-tic sweet-ness sits en-throned up-on the Sav-ior's brow;
   His head with rad-iant glo-ries crowned, His lips with grace o'er-flow.

No mor-tal can with Him com-pare, a-mong the sons of men;
   Fair-er is He than all the fair that fill the heaven-ly train.

He saw me plunged in deep dis-tress, He flew to my re-lief;
   For me He bore the shame-ful cross, and car-ried all my grief.

To Him I owe my life and breath, and all the joys I have;
   He makes me tri-umph o-ver death, and saves me from the grave.

To heaven, the place of His a-bode, He brings my wea-ry feet;
   Shows me the glo-ries of my God, and makes my joys com-plete.

Since from His boun-ty I re-ceive such proofs of love di-vine,
   Had I a thou-sand hearts to give, Lord, they should all be Thine.
Proposed Change to revel (by repetition) in His humanity:

Fair-er is He than all the fair that fill the heaven-ly train;
No mor-tal can with Him com-pare, a-mong the sons of men, a-mong the sons of men.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

King Alfred's Book

...Pastoral Care, King Alfred’s late ninth-century translation of a sixth-century work by Pope Gregory:

“Se se ðe unwærlice ðone wuda hiewð, & sua his freond ofsliehð” (“He who carelessly hews the wood, and so slays his friend”).
Sounds like he's dealing with the judicial law.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Jesus Washing Feet

"A bowl of water and a towel
became a sign of grace
when Christ, the Lord, the Teacher, took
the lowest servant's place.... 

Beautifully Sung.

This is in copyright, so I won't post it directly.