Monday, September 25, 2023

A Prisoner's Plea

In prison's grip, I raise my plea,
A voice in chains, longing to be free.
Beneath the weight of iron bars,
I reach for You beyond these scars.

"Pray," I whisper, my spirit's plea,
Jesus's words, a lifeline to Thee.
In realms unseen, where hope takes flight,
My Father's presence guides my night.

"Thy kingdom come," I yearn to say,
Yet struggle with words, in this dismay.
"This day, provide," my request I send,
Daily sustenance, on You depend.

"Forgive me, Lord," my heart's refrain,
As I forgive, release my pain.
"Lead not to trial," my fears impede,
Guide me through, my heart to feed.

"Your will be done," a heavy weight,
I wrestle within, an uncertain state.
Trusting You'll provide what's right,
Though surrender comes, a humbling light.

"Yours is the power," in darkest night,
Eternal hope, my flickering light.
Amen, I cry, surrender complete,
In letting go, Your grace I meet.

In prison's depths, I find release,
A burden lifted, a newfound peace.

--a Christian brother freed from an Afghanistan prison 

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Midnight Hymn -- Thomas Ken

1 My God, I now from sleep awake,
The sole possession of me take;
From midnight terrors me secure,
And guard my heart from thoughts impure.

2 Blest angels, while we silent lie,
Your hallelujahs sing on high;
You joyful hymn the Ever-Blest,
Before the throne, and never rest.

3 I with your choir celestial join,
In offering up a hymn divine;
With you in Heav’n I hope to dwell,
And bid the night and world farewell.

4 Give me a place at Thy saints’ feet,
Or some fall’n angel’s vacant seat;
I’ll strive to sing as loud as they,
Who sit above in brighter day.

5 O may I always ready stand,
With my lamp burning in my hand;
May I in sight of Heav’n rejoice,
Whene’er I hear the Bridegroom’s voice.

6 All praise to Thee, in light arrayed,
Who light Thy dwelling place hast made:
A boundless ocean of bright beams
From Thy all glorious Godhead streams.

7 Blest Jesus, Thou on Heav’n intent,
Whole nights hast in devotion spent;
But I, frail creature, soon am tired,
And all my zeal is soon expired.

8 Shine on me, Lord, new life impart,
Fresh ardors kindle in my heart;
One ray of Thy all quickening light
Dispels the sloth and clouds of night.

9 Lord, lest the tempter me surprise,
Watch o'er Thy living sacrifice;
All loose, all idle thoughts cast out,
And make my very dreams devout.

10 Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.