Sunday, February 16, 2025

Bishop Doane on His Dog

I am quite sure he thinks that I am God--
since he is God on whom each one depends
for life, and all things that His bounty sends--
my dear old dog, most constant of all friends;
not quick to mind, but quicker far than I
to Him whom God I know and own; his eye,
deep brown and liquid, watches for my nod;
he is more patient underneath the rod
than I, when God His wise corrections sends.

He looks love at me, deep as words e'er spake;
and from me never crumb nor sup will take
but he wags thanks with his most vocal tail;
and when some crashing noise wakes all his fear,
he is content and quiet, if I am near,
secure that my protection will prevail.
So, faithful, mindful, thankful, trustful, he
tells me what I unto my God should be.

by George Washington Doane

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